What makes Digital Marketing Interesting

Jeffin Gracewell
3 min readDec 19, 2020


You should be aware of the impact of social media in today’s world. Social Media is widely used as an important platform to communicate information.

It’s hard to see 2k kids and Z gen kids with no social media account.

With the usage of social media getting widened Digital Marketing is getting the major hold in the global online market.

Digital Marketing is all about the smart ways for marketing your product digitally via online platforms using social media as an aid.

gracewell digital marketing

Its opposite to traditional marketing where you connect with your target audience from remote locations. And this is one of the important aspects in digital marketing.

Another interesting beauty in digital marketing is you can easily promote your product even before the product is fully launched and start getting orders. To be successful in digital marketing one should ensure that the quality of the product is not compromised at any cost.

One can be clear about the CATT Marketing Funnel during marking the products. It helps to boost the business provided you have the CATT principles followed. Based on CATT Marketing Funnel,

Wealth= n^CATT


n = Your Niche

C = Content

A= Attention

T= Build trust

T= Transaction

Ie, One should have quality and enough content to get the attention of the client there by building trust with them and get paid via transactions for the service offered. Its simply offering value based services for money.

Digital Marketing, Gracewell Website design

The success of Digital Marketing as a whole lies with the success of different individual elements in online platforms. The figure above illustrates the concept of Integrated Digital Marketing. The components of individual elements includes Paid Advertisements, Email marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Social media and conversions.

Kids today finds interest and involve themselves in most of the individual elements who makes them easier to gain the skill sets in digital marketing.

If you are interested in staring you own Digital Marketing Startup you should be aware of the mass trust blueprint.

digital marketing agency, digital marketing company in Nagercoil

The figure above illustrates the concept of mass trust blueprint.

It starts with Learn, Work, Blog, Consult, Mentor and then Start business is the mantra to be a successful individual in digital marketing.

Today there are plenty of companies that offer web design and digital marketing services.

Also we have lot of online resources to learn Digital Marketing. To learn Digital Marketing I recommend Digital Deepak and his internship programs.

Click here to know more about OFF-PAGE SEO in Digital Marketing



Jeffin Gracewell
Jeffin Gracewell

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